The mouse is over the gadget specified. The mouse location is useful indeterming where to open a help window.
Keystroke "key KEYCODE QUALIFIER<cr>"
The user hit a key. Raw keycodes are returned along with the current qualifier.
Qualifier "qual QUALIFIER<cr>"
A change in the current qualifier is detected. Not all qualifier changes will cause events. HOWEVER the last qualifier event will ALWAYS be correct for the event(s) that follow it.
Close "close CLOSESOURCE<cr>"
The window has been closed.
CLOSESOURCE=0 WindowClose Gadget
CLOSESOURCE=-1 Closed by CTRL-BackSlash
User tried to close the GUI window. (not always used see window docs)
Refresh "refresh"
The window has been sized or altered and you should refresh any components you manualy draw into the window. (You only ask for and watch these events if you use the 'Draw' modify command.)
Menu selected.
checked=0 Item is not checked
checked=1 Item is checked
Be careful of false (undefined) menu hits.
Window Active "active 0|1<cr>"
0= window inactive
1= window active
Application "app FILENAME <cr>"
An icon has been dropped on the window.
Iconify "iconify MODE<cr>"
mode 0 = uniconify
mode 1 = iconify
Iconify events are only sent if modify is turned on. You must manually iconify or uniconify the window in this case. See window.doc.
If modify is not turned on the iconification is automatic and no iconify events are sent.
ARexx command "arexx FID len <cr> command"
You must first read the arexx event, the read len additional characters.
See the docs for each gadget type for more information.